Saturday, May 31, 2014


MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires
Press conference and preview invitation
On June 05 2014, at 05.00 PM there will be the press conference and preview of MORPHOS festival, at Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice (Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venice, Italy).
Art journalists, art critics, collectors art lovers and all people interested, are pleased to contact us at to receive the personal invitation to take part in the preview and press conference. The personal invitation card is valid for 2 people.
Invito alla conferenza stampa e preview
Il 5 giugno 2014 si terrà presso Palazzo Albrizzi (Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venice, Italy) a Venezia, alle ore 17.00, la conferenza stampa e preview del festival MORPHOS.
Giornalisti, collezionisti, critici d'arte, art lover e tutte le persone interessate, sono pregate di inviare una mail all'indirizzo per ricevere l'invito necessario per l'accesso alla conferenza e alla preview. L'invito è valido per 2 persone.
It's LIQUID Group
c/o Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari, Italy

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Friday, May 30, 2014

[International ArtExpo] MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires - Press conference and Preview invitation

MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires
Press conference and preview invitation
On June 05 2014, at 05.00 PM there will be the press conference and preview of MORPHOS festival, at Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice (Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venice, Italy).
Art journalists, art critics, collectors art lovers and all people interested, are pleased to contact us at to receive the personal invitation to take part in the preview and press conference. The personal invitation card is valid for 2 people.
Invito alla conferenza stampa e preview
Il 5 giugno 2014 si terrà presso Palazzo Albrizzi (Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venice, Italy) a Venezia, alle ore 17.00, la conferenza stampa e preview del festival MORPHOS.
Giornalisti, collezionisti, critici d'arte, art lover e tutte le persone interessate, sono pregate di inviare una mail all'indirizzo per ricevere l'invito necessario per l'accesso alla conferenza e alla preview. L'invito è valido per 2 persone.
It's LIQUID Group
c/o Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari, Italy

This e-mail is confidential and protected by law. Any un-authorized use or distribution of information here contained is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, notify the sender immediately. This e-mail address is strictly of use and property of the author. To unsubscribe click here

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[It's LIQUID News] COMUNICATO STAMPA: MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires, Venezia - OPENING

.art news
May 30, 2014
MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires
Festival internazionale di architettura, video arte, fotografia, installazione e performing art
Inaugurazione: 06 giugno 2014
It's LIQUID Group, in collaborazione con International ArtExpo, è lieta di annunciare l'inaugurazione di MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires, festival internazionale di architettura, fotografia, video arte, installazione e performing art, che si terrà a Venezia nelle prestigiose sale di Palazzo Albrizzi, dal 06 al 13 giugno 2014. Questo primo evento inaugurerà il festival MORPHOS, organizzato a Venezia durante il periodo della Biennale di Architettura, da giugno a novembre 2014. In concomitanza con l'evento inaugurale verrà presentata Pixels of Identities, mostra internazionale di fotografia, video arte, installazione e performing art (Palazzo Albrizzi, 06 - 13 giugno 2014).
La conferenza stampa e l'anteprima del festival si terranno giovedì 05 giugno 2014 alle ore 17.00, presso Palazzo Albrizzi.
L'inaugurazione dell'evento si svolgerà venerdì 06 giugno 2014 alle ore 18.00 presso Palazzo Albrizzi (ingresso gratuito).
organizzatori: It's LIQUID & International ArtExpo
curatore: Luca Curci
project coordinator: Maria Caterina Denora
ufficio stampa: It's LIQUID
sede: Palazzo Albrizzi, Fondamenta Sant'Andrea Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venezia, Italia
inaugurazione: venerdì 06 giugno 2014, dalle ore 18.00, ingresso gratuito
date: dal 06 al 13 giugno 2014, dalle ore 10.00 alle 13.00, dalle ore 15.00 alle 18.00, ingresso gratuito
Il festival MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires, curato dall'Arch. Luca Curci (fondatore di LUCA CURCI ARCHITECTS, It's LIQUID Group ed International ArtExpo), analizza il potere unificante dell'architettura sostenibile e il rapporto tra uomo e città.

Architetti e designer si sono confrontati sul tema dell'architettura sostenibile, nonché sulle interazioni e contaminazioni tra uomo e spazio urbano. Immaginiamo un futuro in cui il pensiero sostenibile diventi il terreno comune di ogni espressione architettonica; in cui l'ibridazione tra le diverse realtà sociali e culturali rappresenti la nuova frontiera del vivere contemporaneo. Artisti, fotografi e video maker hanno lavorato sul tema delle identità urbane e dell'ibridazione tra identità, corpi e città nella società contemporanea. Persone, corpi, società, e culture si mescolano ed interagiscono creando identità ibride, modificandosi l'un l'altro e evolvendo nella prospettiva di costruire un mondo migliore.

Più di 90 tra artisti, fotografi, video maker e architetti esporranno i loro lavori durante il festival. Verranno presentati progetti, plastici ed installazioni di studi di architettura di fama internazionale del calibro di MVRDV (Paesi Bassi), studio di architettura e urban design olandese, i cui lavori sono stati pubblicati e presentati in tutto il mondo, vincitori di numerosi premi come il Red Dot Design Award 2013, l' A&W Architect of the Year 2012, e il WAF Award (World Architecture Festival); ADEPT (Danimarca/Cina), studio danese che attraverso progetti selezionati e di altissima qualità ha vinto numerosi concorsi e premi internazionali; LETH & GORI (Danimarca) considerati tra i 10 migliori studi di architettura nordici emergenti; Derek Mark Pirozzi (USA), vincitore del concorso eVolo 2013; ross barney architects (USA), premiati nel 2005 con il Thomas Jefferson Award for Public Architecture; Allmann Sattler Wappner (Germania) vincitori, tra gli altri, del German Architecture Award, Hugo Häring Award, German Steel Design Award, Lighting Design Award, LEAF Award e ECOLA Award.
Tra le opere esposte, il festival ospiterà l'installazione "Puzzles" di Daniel Pešta, artista ceco rappresentato dal MuMo Muzeum Montanelli di Praga (Repubblica Ceca), esposto in musei, collezioni e biennali internazionali come la 55esima edizione de La Biennale di Venezia; il video "Nuvo Japonica" dell'artista americano Laurence Gartel, pioniere della Digital Art, esposto nel Museum of Modern Art, al Joan Whitney Payson Museum, al PS 1 e nelle collezioni permanenti del Smithsonian Institution's Museum of American History e nella Bibliotheque Nationale; le installazioni in ceramica dell'artista, architetto e designer italiano Tarshito presente in numerose mostre in Italia e all'estero, tra cui la Biennale di Venezia - Padiglione Italia (2011) e l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New Delhi; le opere fotografiche di Nora Schöpfer, artista austriaca vincitrice dell'Art Award conferitole dal Federal Ministry for Education and Arts, "Geist und Form" di Vienna (Austria), presente in gallerie, musei e fiere internazionali tra le quali la Städtische Galerie Wollhalle di Güstrow (Germania) e la "KunStart 12" Biennale di arte contemporanea emergente a Bolzano (Italia); il video "They Talk." di Susan Yeung, direttore artistico, coreografa, event manager, lettrice, performer ed insegnante al LASALLE College of the Arts (Singapore); i murals di Pablo Bobbio, rappresentante ufficiale dell'Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo in America, fondatore dell'Art Department of the East - West Association (Spagna) e dellìArt Department of the Center for the Development of Human Welfare, Menorca (Isole Baleari, Spagna).
MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires

.featured architects
MVRDV . The Netherlands | LETH & GORI . Denmark | Allmann Sattler Wappner . Germany | ross barney architects . USA | ADEPT . Denmark/China | Derek Mark Pirozzi . USA

.featured artists
Daniel Pešta . Czech Republic | Laurence Gartel . USA | Tarshito . Italy | Nora Schöpfer . Austria  | Pablo Bobbio . USA | Susan Yeung & Russell Morton . Hong Kong

Massimo Guidotti . Italy | Francesco Verna . Italy | KGA Architecture Pty Ltd . Australia | RALPH BRILL ASSOCIATES . USA | Exquisite Corpse . USA | CORFONE+PARTNERS . Italy | Bekkering Adams architecten . The Netherlands | Ersi Krouska . Greece | Ilario Bontempo . Italy | Johannes Knoops . USA

.video art
Mar Garrido . Spain | Shaun Wilson . Australia | Debbie Davies . USA | Gregory Steel . USA | Fred. L' Epee . Switzerland | Danielle Zorbas . Australia | Christine Istad . Norway | Felix Leffrank . Germany | Helena Schultheis Edgeler . Croatia | Darija Dolanski Majdak . Croatia | Albin and Elisabeth Schutting . Austria | Parul Verma . India | Farah Alhashim . Lebanon | Filip Ignatowicz . Poland | Maggie Van der Toorn . Italy | Enas Elkorashy . Italy | Mario F. Lodoño Muñoz .  Argentina

Serena Rossi . Italy | TGFN – The Girl From Nowhere . USA | Cecilia Rahban . USA | Véronique Lerebours . USA | Karim Shokair . Italy | Javier Bassi . Uruguay | Nancy Oliveri . USA | Christian Mélot . France | Katerina Theodosiou . Cyprus | Maria Kaleta . Poland | Wojtek Lukowski . Poland | Malgorzata Basinska . Norway | Alessandra Bello . Italy | Maddalena Merlino & Claudio Paletto . Italy | Tom Vack & Ester Pirotta . Germany | Johan van der Dong . The Netherlands | Giulia Strippoli . Italy | Jake Singer & Thuthuka Sibisi . South Africa | Maria Rebecca Ballestra . Italy | Fatima Augusto . France | Pauline Thomas . France

Vardi Bobrow . Israel | Kira Kemper . South Africa | Nat Wilms . Germany | Joanne Proctor . UK | Eszter Korcsmár . Hungary | Lorenzo Taiuti . Italy | Miguel Mariño . Spain
.performing art
Zwann eï Collective . France | Sara Davidovics . Italy | Ya-Wen Fu . Germany

Pixels of Identities

.video art
David Folan . Ireland | Irena Berdon . Italy | Tara Mahapatra . Germany | Lea Dolinsky . Israel | Yasunori Kawamatsu . Japan | Rose Dickson . USA | Khara Cloutier . USA | Silvia Bakker . The Netherlands | Susan Mains . Grenada | Nina Athanasiou . Germany | Peter Trukenbrod & Barbara Ekström . Sweden | Marie Piselli . France | Allison Kotzig . USA | Patrick Rees . USA | Susanne Wawra . Ireland | Helena Wadsley . Canada | Katja Klien . Germany | Dimitris Argyriou . Germany | Julia Guzzio . USA | Lezli Rubin-Kunda . Israel | Anastasia Chaguidouline . The Netherlands | Erato Hadjisavva . Greece | Mihaela-Gabriela Stoica . Italy | Katarzyna Jablonska . UK | Coletivo Algodão Choque . Brazil

Kujtim Syli . Kosovo | Albert Van Der Weide . The Netherlands | Federica Falcone . Italy | Raewyn Gilkes . New Zeland | Sofia Venturini Del greco . Italy | Catherine Soubbotnik . France | Alessandro Palmigiani . Italy | Alice Casalini . Italy | J. REDZA . Malaysia | Mazia Djaballah . Algeria | Martim Sanches . Portugal | Damien Dufresne . France | Monica Lisi . Italy | Sabina Hagverdi . Italy |  Gabriela Torres Ruiz . Mexico | Diêgo de Oliveira . Brazil | Marcello Scalas . Italy | Giulia Rossi . Italy | Constanze Kratzsch . Germany | Sarah Delaney . Australia | Elisa Roggio . Italy | Vanessa Champion . UK | Christine Heimerman . USA

Pandora Apostoloska Sazdovska . Macedonia | Sašo Sazdovski . Macedonia | Tomek Kawszyn . Poland | Claudia Caldara . Italy | Martina Manzini . Italy | Hala El Sharouny . Egypt

.performing art
Alexandra Foffano . Italy | Laura Partin . Italy | Mo' Mohamed Benhadj . Algeria | Giulio Mariotti . Italy | Luisa Contarello . Italy | Massimo Varchione, Davide Palmentiero & Giuseppe Pisano . Italy | Collettivo Kirillov . Italy
Nella stessa giornata del 6 giugno 2014 alle ore 18.00, si inaugurerà la mostra dell'artista italiana Miresi "Amando Berlino: Spunti fotografici e pittorici di architetture urbane" con intermezzo musicale di Eva Meier (conferenza stampa giovedì 5 giugno). La mostra sarà aperta al pubblico dal 6 giugno al 7 luglio 2014.
Palazzo Albrizzi è uno dei palazzi nobiliari dell'aristocrazia Veneziana, situato a Cannaregio 4118, vicino a Campo San Paolo. Costruito dalla famosa famiglia Capello, nel XVIII secolo il palazzo passò nelle mani della famiglia Albrizzi. Il palazzo è la sede di ACIT Venezia, una delle più importanti Associazioni Culturali Italo - Tedesche d'Europa; dal 2000 al 2005 ha assunto la Presidenza della Confederazione Nazionale degli Istituti Italo - Tedeschi in Italia, consorella della Vereinigung der Deutsch-Italienischen Kulturgesellschaften allora con sede a Bonn. Il palazzo è spesso sede collaterale della Biennale di Venezia.
It's LIQUID Group
c/o Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari, Italy

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[It's LIQUID News] A' Design Awards 2014 Winners

.design news
May 30, 2014
Organic Cities by Luca Curci
A' Design Awards 2014 Winners
International A' Design Award & Competition, the worlds' largest and most diffused design accolades announces the best designs of 2013 – 2014 in all design disciplines. A' Design Award & Competition (, announced results of the 2013 – 2014 design competition: 757 Winners from 78 countries in 75 different design disciplines. Entries were carefully judged by an international 50-person jury panel composed of academics, media members and design professionals.
Design enthusiasts and press members worldwide are invited to discover latest trends in design by visiting the A' Design Awards' online gallery of winners at which features all top designs from the last competition. Editors and design lovers will also enjoy the interviews with the award winning designers at
The A' Design Awards are given for Good Spatial Design (Architecture, Interior Design, Urban Design and Landscape Design), Good Industrial Design (Product Design, Appliance Design, Vehicle Design and Machinery Design), Good Communication Design (Graphics Design, Interaction Design and Marketing Design), Good Fashion Design (Garment Design, Fashion Accessory Design and Footwear Design), Good System Design (Service Design, Design Strategy, Quality & Innovation) as well as for Achievements in Arts & Literature.
Laureates are invited to attend the glamorous gala-night and award ceremony in Italy where they would be called to stage to collect their trophies, award certificates and yearbooks. Winner are also provided exclusive space to take part in the "best designs of the year" exhibition to showcase their works in Italy. Laureates are also entitled to receive the "A' Design Prize" which is a highly coveted and comprehensive winners' kit given to A' Design Award & Competition medalists to help dissemination of their news to further and wider international audiences. In addition to the trophy, certificate and book, the A' Design Prize includes PR and marketing services such as translation of award winning works to dozens of languages, press release preparation and distribution, lifetime license to use "award winner" logo, public relations campaign for winners and communication of awarded works to thousands of media members.
While the 2013 – 2014 Edition is over, entries to the 2014 – 2015 competition is now open; interested designers, artists, architects and companies could register and submit their works at where further information regarding the design competition such as evaluation criteria, key dates, list of jury members, entry forms and presentation guidelines could be obtained.

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[It's LIQUID News] OPENING: MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires, Venice - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

.art news
May 30, 2014
MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires
International architecture, video-art, photography, installation and performing art festival
Opening: June 06, 2014
It's LIQUID Group, in collaboration with International ArtExpo, is proud to announce the opening of MORPHOS – Sustainable Empires, international festival of architecture, photography, video art, installation and performing art, which will be held in the prestigious Palazzo Albrizzi in Venice (Italy), from the 06 to the 13 of June 2014. This will be the first event of the festival MORPHOS which will be organized in Venice in the months between June and November 2014, in the same period of Architecture Biennale. During the festival, it will be also presented the division Pixels of Identities, international exhibition of photography, video art, installation and performing art (Palazzo Albrizzi, 06 – 13 of June 2014).
The press conference and preview of the festival will be on June 05, 2014 at 06.00 PM, at Palazzo Albrizzi.
The opening of the event will be on Friday 06 of June 2014 at Palazzo Albrizzi, starting from 06.00PM (free entry).
organizers: It's LIQUID & International ArtExpo
curator: Luca Curci
project coordinator: Maria Caterina Denora
press office: It's LIQUID
venue: Palazzo Albrizzi, Cannaregio 4118, 30121 Venice, Italy
opening: Friday 06 of June 2014, from 06.00PM, free entry
dates: from the 06 to the 13 of June 2014, from 10.00 AM to 01.00 PM, and from 03.00 PM to 06.00 PM, free entry
The main concepts of MORPHOS – Sustainable Empires, curated by Arch. Luca Curci (founder of LUCA CURCI ARCHITECTS, It's LIQUID Group and International ArtExpo), are the unifying power of sustainable architecture and the relationship between man and the city.
Architects and designers have been invited to work on the theme of sustainable architecture and the relationship between man and the city. We imagine a future in which sustainable thinking will be the common ground of every cultures' architecture expressions, and the hybridization of social and cultural realities will represent the new frontier of our lives. Artists, photographers and video makers will be present works on the theme of urban identities and hybridization between identities, bodies and urban settings in contemporary time. People, backgrounds, societies, progress and all their inputs creates hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world.
More than 100 artists, photographers, video makers and architects form all-over the world are taking part in the festival. There will be projects, scale models and installations by international renowned architect firms such as MVRDV, Netherlands-based architecture and urban design practice, exhibited and published worldwide, winner of numerous international awards such as Red Dot Design Award 2013, A&W Architect of the Year 2012, WAF Award (World Architecture Festival); ADEPT (Denmark/China), Danish studio which has won several national and international architectural, landscape and urban planning competitions; LETH & GORI (Denmark), one of the most important emerging Nordic architect; Derek Mark Pirozzi (USA) winner of eVolo contest 2013; ross barney architects (USA), awarded the 2005 Thomas Jefferson Award for Public Architecture for a distinguished career and dedication to Architecture in the public realm; Allmann Sattler Wappner (Germany) which has received, among the awards, the German Architecture Award, the Hugo Häring Award, the German Steel Design Award, the Lighting Design Award, the LEAF Award and the ECOLA Award.
Among the exhibited artworks there will be the installation "Puzzles" by Czech artist Daniel Pešta, represented by MuMo Muzeum Montanelli of Prague, whose artworks are exhibited in numerous contemporary museums, collections and events such as the Contemporary Art Museum of Prague (Czech Republic) and the Biennale of Venice, 55 edition; the video "Nuvo Japonica" by American artist Laurence Gartel, father of Digital Art, exhibited in Museum of Modern Art, Joan Whitney Payson Museum, PS 1 and permanent collection of Smithsonian Institution's Museum of American History and Bibliotheque Nationale; ceramic installations by the Italian artist, architect and designer Tarshito, exhibited world-wide, including at the Venice Biennale – Padiglione Italia (2011) and Istituto Italiano di Cultura in New Delhi; photographic work of Nora Schöpfer, Austrian artist presented in many museums, galleries and events such as Städtische Galerie Wollhalle of Güstrow (Germany) and "KunStart 12" Contemporary art fair in Bolzano (Italy); the video work "They Talk." by Susan Yeung, producer, artistic director, choreographer, event manager, lecturer and performer, working at LASALLE College of the Arts; the murals by Pablo Bobbio, authorized to represent the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti of Bergamo in U.S.A., founder of the Art Department of the East – West Association (Barcelona, Spain) and Art Department of the Center for the Development of Human Welfare, Menorca (Baleares Islands, Spain).
MORPHOS - Sustainable Empires

.featured architects
MVRDV . The Netherlands | LETH & GORI . Denmark | Allmann Sattler Wappner . Germany | ross barney architects . USA | ADEPT . Denmark/China | Derek Mark Pirozzi . USA

.featured artists
Daniel Pešta . Czech Republic | Laurence Gartel . USA | Tarshito . Italy | Nora Schöpfer . Austria  | Pablo Bobbio . USA | Susan Yeung & Russell Morton . Singapore

Massimo Guidotti . Italy | Francesco Verna . Italy | KGA Architecture Pty Ltd . Australia | RALPH BRILL ASSOCIATES . USA | Exquisite Corpse . USA | CORFONE+PARTNERS . Italy | Bekkering Adams architecten . The Netherlands | Ersi Krouska . Greece | Ilario Bontempo . Italy | Johannes Knoops . USA

.video art
Mar Garrido . Spain | Shaun Wilson . Australia | Debbie Davies . USA | Gregory Steel . USA | Fred. L' Epee . Switzerland | Danielle Zorbas . Australia | Christine Istad . Norway | Felix Leffrank . Germany | Helena Schultheis Edgeler . Croatia | Darija Dolanski Majdak . Croatia | Albin and Elisabeth Schutting . Austria | Parul Verma . India | Farah Alhashim . Lebanon | Filip Ignatowicz . Poland | Maggie Van der Toorn . Italy | Enas Elkorashy . Italy | Mario F. Lodoño Muñoz .  Argentina

Serena Rossi . Italy | TGFN – The Girl From Nowhere . USA | Cecilia Rahban . USA | Véronique Lerebours . USA | Karim Shokair . Italy | Javier Bassi . Uruguay | Nancy Oliveri . USA | Christian Mélot . France | Katerina Theodosiou . Cyprus | Maria Kaleta . Poland | Wojtek Lukowski . Poland | Malgorzata Basinska . Norway | Alessandra Bello . Italy | Maddalena Merlino & Claudio Paletto . Italy | Tom Vack & Ester Pirotta . Germany | Johan van der Dong . The Netherlands | Giulia Strippoli . Italy | Jake Singer & Thuthuka Sibisi . South Africa | Maria Rebecca Ballestra . Italy | Fatima Augusto . France | Pauline Thomas . France

Vardi Bobrow . Israel | Nat Wilms . Germany | Joanne Proctor . UK | Eszter Korcsmár . Hungary | Lorenzo Taiuti . Italy | Miguel Mariño . Spain
.performing art
Zwann eï Collective . France | Sara Davidovics . Italy | Ya-Wen Fu . Germany

Pixels of Identities

.video art
David Folan . Ireland | Irena Berdon . Italy | Tara Mahapatra . Germany | Lea Dolinsky . Israel | Yasunori Kawamatsu . Japan | Rose Dickson . USA | Khara Cloutier . USA | Silvia Bakker . The Netherlands | Susan Mains . Grenada | Nina Athanasiou . Germany | Peter Trukenbrod & Barbara Ekström . Sweden | Marie Piselli . France | Allison Kotzig . USA | Patrick Rees . USA | Susanne Wawra . Ireland | Helena Wadsley . Canada | Katja Klien . Germany | Dimitris Argyriou . Germany | Julia Guzzio . USA | Anastasia Chaguidouline . The Netherlands | Erato Hadjisavva . Greece | Mihaela-Gabriela Stoica . Italy | Katarzyna Jablonska . UK | Coletivo Algodão Choque . Brazil

Kujtim Syli . Kosovo | Albert Van Der Weide . The Netherlands | Federica Falcone . Italy | Raewyn Gilkes . New Zeland | Sofia Venturini Del greco . Italy | Catherine Soubbotnik . France | Alessandro Palmigiani . Italy | Alice Casalini . Italy | J. REDZA . Malaysia | Mazia Djaballah . Algeria | Martim Sanches . Portugal | Damien Dufresne . France | Monica Lisi . Italy | Sabina Hagverdi . Italy |  Gabriela Torres Ruiz . Mexico | Diêgo de Oliveira . Brazil | Marcello Scalas . Italy | Giulia Rossi . Italy | Constanze Kratzsch . Germany | Sarah Delaney . Australia | Elisa Roggio . Italy | Vanessa Champion . UK | Christine Heimerman . USA

Pandora Apostoloska Sazdovska . Macedonia | Sašo Sazdovski . Macedonia | Tomek Kawszyn . Poland | Claudia Caldara . Italy | Martina Manzini . Italy | Hala El Sharouny . Egypt

.performing art
Alexandra Foffano . Italy | Laura Partin . Italy | Mo' Mohamed Benhadj . Algeria | Giulio Mariotti . Italy | Luisa Contarello . Italy | Massimo Varchione, Davide Palmentiero & Giuseppe Pisano . Italy | Collettivo Kirillov . Italy
On June 06, 2014 at 06.00 PM there will also be the opening of the exhibition "Amando Berlino: Spunti fotografici e pittorici di architetture urbane" by Italian artist Miresi, with a performance of  Eva Meier (press conference of the event on June 05, 2014). The exhibition will run from June 06 to July 07, 2014.
Palazzo Albrizzi is one of the Venetian aristocracy's palaces, situated in Cannaregio 4118, near Campo San Paolo. Constructed by the famous Capello family, in the 18th century the Palazzo passed into the hands of the Albrizzi family. The palace is the headquarter of ACIT Venezia, one of the most important Italian-German cultural association, and has often been collateral venue of Venice Biennale. 
It's LIQUID Group
c/o Luca Curci Architects
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari, Italy

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

ITF-IUF press release: Global unions demand justice for Philippines fishery workers

Please find this joint ITF-IUF press release attached.
Sam Dawson



29 May 2014

Global unions demand justice for Philippines fishery workers

Global unions the ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) and IUF (International Union of Food, Agricultural and Hospitality Workers) today demanded the reinstatement of  78 unfairly sacked workers at Philippines seafood supplier Citra Mina – and promised the workers their continuing support.


The 78 are fishers and cannery workers at the General Santos-based firm. They were dismissed when they asked for union recognition at the company. A strike and mediation efforts followed, but they remain barred from their jobs. Before the strike there were around 400 regular employees in the company, while about a thousand were contract workers. Today, there are only 72 remaining regular workers left.


Liz Blackshaw is programme leader for the joint ITF/IUF From catcher to counter initiative, which works with fishers to build worker representation and improve conditions across the fishing industry. Speaking from General Santos she explained: "This is the Philippines' second largest seafood exporter, yet it stands accused of continuing exploitation of its workforce, which it has dangled on short term contracts, in apparent defiance of national law. The ITF and IUF are meeting with local and national government as well as the company's management to find a solution that secures justice. These workers are also receiving fantastic support from the church,  trade unions, community groups and the Alliance of Progressive Labor."


Updates and photos from General Santos are being posted at For more about the From catcher to counter programme see  




For more details please contact

ITF press and editorial manager Sam Dawson. Tel: +44 (0)20 7940 9260. Email:



ITF communications: getting the message out - when and where it matters 
Twitter: @itfglobalunion


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