Monday, November 27, 2017

ITF media release: Seaman Guard Ohio ruling

27 November 2017


Seaman Guard Ohio ruling: ITF comment


The court in Madurai, India, has delivered its judgment in the appeal case by the crew and guards of the Seaman Guard Ohio. It decided to lift the sentence of five years' imprisonment against the 35 men that were handed down in January 2016.


The ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) has provided support for the crew since their arrest in 2013, and has funded this appeal on their behalf.


ITF seafarers' section chair, David Heindel, commented: "At last there is some form of justice, even if it cannot restore to the men the time lost since their arrest in 2013.


"Unfortunately, one glaring injustice remains: the scandal of AdvanFort getting off scot free, having washed its hands of its employees. They took the money, they sauntered off, pockets bulging. It is nothing short of shameful that our justice system allows them to get away with this. But as we have witnessed over and over, this is the flag of convenience system that has been created!"



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