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Thursday, February 27, 2020

dm inaugura a Rimini nel cuore di Marina Centro

La più grande catena di drugstore europea sbarca nel cuore di Marina Centro  

È stato inaugurato, a Rimini, in Viale Amerigo Vespucci 121, il quarto punto vendita dm dell'Emilia-Romagna, nonché il trentottesimo in Italia.

Presenti per il taglio del nastro inaugurale Hubert Krabichler, CEO di dm drogerie markt Italia, Benjamin Schneider, Direttore Marketing e Acquisti, Francesco Gargiulo, Direttore vendite e HR e Jamil Sadegholvaad, Assessore alle attività produttive di Rimini.

Il nuovo store, primo in Romagna, si aggiunge ai punti vendita già aperti nelle città emiliane di Bologna, Fidenza e Piacenza. "È per noi un grande piacere inaugurare un nuovo punto vendita a Rimini, zona ad alta densità turistica e cuore pulsante della Riviera romagnola – ha affermato Benjamin Schneider, Direttore Marketing e Acquisti di dm –. Ci inseriamo nella principale via commerciale, punto di riferimento importante per la moda e le tendenze. Siamo quindi particolarmente felici di portare anche qui la nostra offerta specializzata per la bellezza e il benessere di ogni giorno; un'offerta che si distingue per la qualità elevata dei prodotti, la convenienza dei prezzi e la versatilità di una proposta capace di rinnovarsi e reinventarsi per rispondere, o addirittura anticipare, trend e bisogni".

UNIEURO - CIA-CONAD: 5 negozi Unieuro negli ipermercati "Spazio Conad"

Unieuro S.p.A, il leader nella distribuzione di elettronica di consumo ed elettrodomestici in Italia, e Commercianti Indipendenti Associati società cooperativa associata Conad ("CIA-Conad"), che opera nel territorio di Romagna, San Marino, Marche, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia e Lombardia, hanno reso nota in data odierna la definizione di una collaborazione finalizzata all'apertura di cinque nuovi punti vendita diretti Unieuro all'interno di altrettanti ipermercati ex-Auchan, in procinto di diventare punti vendita "Spazio Conad".


A partire dal primo punto vendita Unieuro all'interno dello Spazio Conad nel centro commerciale di Curno (Bergamo), che aprirà a breve, il progetto interesserà poi i nuovi Spazio Conad di Padova, Vimodrone (Milano), Merate (Lecco) e Rescaldina (Milano).



"I nuovi punti vendita Unieuro all'interno degli ipermercati Spazio Conad nascono da un'occasione irripetibile nel panorama retail italiano. A distanza di un anno dallo sbarco di Unieuro nella Grande Distribuzione Organizzata, rafforziamo e rilanciamo il nostro progetto di penetrazione del canale grazie a CIA-Conad, con cui condividiamo le radici forlivesi e la grande attenzione al cliente e ai suoi bisogni".

Giancarlo Nicosanti Monterastelli, Amministratore Delegato di Unieuro



"L'accordo tra Unieuro e CIA-Conad suggella il proficuo e duraturo rapporto di collaborazione tra due aziende forlivesi che negli anni hanno saputo guadagnare notorietà e quote di mercato nazionali, cogliendo le opportunità che si sono via via presentate e facendo leva sulle rispettive specificità, a partire dalla natura aziendale: quella di società per azioni quotata in Borsa per Unieuro, quella di cooperativa per Commercianti Indipendenti Associati".

Luca Panzavolta, Amministratore Delegato di CIA-Conad

I cinque ipermercati ex-Auchan sono gestiti da imprenditori soci di CIA-Conad nell'ambito del grande progetto di acquisizione degli asset della ex-Auchan Italia (oggi Margherita Distribuzione) da parte del gruppo Conad e verranno a breve riconvertiti in nuovi punti vendita a marchio Spazio Conad, caratterizzati da aree di vendita comprese tra 6.000 e 8.000 mq, nonché da un assortimento merceologico focalizzato principalmente sul comparto food e su un elevato standard di servizio al cliente,  per assecondare le nuove abitudini dei consumatori.


L'accordo prevede che negli spazi liberatisi sorgano dei punti vendita Unieuro della superficie media di 800 mq, con accesso diretto dall'ipermercato e/o dalla galleria commerciale e gestiti direttamente dalla stessa Unieuro tramite personale proprio, parte del quale di provenienza ex-Auchan.


L'operazione, di mutuo beneficio, è stata costruita sulla base di un progetto condiviso tra le due società forlivesi, volto alla valorizzazione degli asset acquisiti da CIA-Conad e alla focalizzazione di ciascuna società sul proprio core business, rispettivamente l'elettronica di consumo e l'alimentare.


In particolare, Unieuro:

·         estenderà la propria rete diretta in Lombardia e Veneto, senza sovrapposizioni significative con i punti vendita esistenti;

·         si insedierà in centri commerciali prestigiosi, in aree spesso presidiate da insegne concorrenti;

·         rafforzerà la propria presenza nel segmento denominato "mass merchandiser" e composto da ipermercati, supermercati e negozi multi-categoria che sviluppano grandi volumi pur non facendo dell'elettronica di consumo il proprio core business;

·         beneficerà dell'elevato afflusso di consumatori tipico degli ipermercati e in particolare del nuovo format Spazio Conad, destinato a innovare la propria categoria con un'offerta specificatamente pensata per il consumatore di oggi;

·         darà ulteriore impulso alla strategia omnicanale, grazie ad una ancora maggiore capillarità della rete e alla possibilità di ritirare in negozio i prodotti acquistati online sulla piattaforma



·         potrà concentrarsi sulle categorie merceologiche che da sempre rappresentano il fiore all'occhiello dell'intero mondo Conad, in particolare il fresco;

·         rafforzerà la collaborazione con un partner leader nel proprio settore, estendendola oltre il territorio romagnolo e ampliando l'offerta commerciale nei nuovi format Spazio Conad;

·         beneficerà a sua volta del traffico generato da Unieuro, sia attraverso le campagne promozionali sia grazie all'opzione di ritiro in negozio, facoltà scelta da oltre la metà dei clienti web di quest'ultima.

A Seattle, aperto da Amazon il nuovo format Go Grocery

A Seattle, dopo il lancio del supermercato senza casse Amazon Go, avvenuto nel 2018, Amazon ha aperto il nuovo format Amazon Go Grocery, a sua volta, completamente automatizzato.

Ubicato nel quartiere degli affari di Capitol Hill, rispetto ad Amazon Go, il nuovo store si caratterizza non soltanto per un assortimento più ampio, ma anche per una metratura nettamente superiore: infatti, si sviluppa su 966 metri quadri contro i 230 del primo punto vendita aperto a Seattle dal cosiddetto “Gigante dell’E-commerce”.

Nel dettaglio, il supermercato annovera 5.000 referenze, particolarmente incentrate sui prodotti freschi e freschissimi, quali ortofrutta, carne, pesce, gastronomia, panetteria e alimenti locali, dunque, a impatto ambientale ridotto.

Per quanto attiene alla tecnologia che Amazon...


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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Gruppo Iberdrola Risultati Finanziari 2019 - Investimenti record per €8,16 miliardi portano l’utile netto a raggiungere la cifra record di €3,4 miliardi nel 2019 (+13%) / comunicato stampa

EBITDA exceeds 10 billion for the first time


Record investments of €8.16 billion take Iberdrola's net profit to a record €3.4 billion in 2019 (+13%)


Ignacio Galán, Group Chairman: "These results reflect the company's broad strategic vision and its capacity for delivery, which have enabled us to be 20 yearsahead of the current energy transition"


"Iberdrola demonstrates year after year that its sustainable business model creates value for shareholders and society at large,added Galán 


• Investments grow 32% to €8.16 billion: with 44% of total going to networks and 41% to renewablesCapacity increased in all its markets, with 5,500 new MW installed in 2019 (five times the annual average capacity installed over the past few years).


• Positive business performance: EBITDA grows by 8.1%, exceeding €10 billion for the first time, driven by the networks, and generation and retail activities, despite having recorded the group's lowest hydroelectric production in years.


• Improved financial strength: in a context of record investments, cash flow generation grows by 10% to €8.06 billion. This situation mirrors the improvement of financial solvency ratios.


• Shareholder remuneration grows by 14% to €0.40 per sharethe Board of Directors will propose to the General Shareholders' Meeting a complementary dividend of 0.232 gross per share in addition to the interim dividend of 0.168 gross per share paid on 5 FebruaryThe company's over 600,000 shareholders have enjoyed a 37% revaluation of the share and dividends paid by the company for the year, in addition to a dividend increase by more than 47% over five years.


• Future prospectsWith record investment of over €10 billion planned in 2020, Iberdrola expects to post high single-digit growth in net profit, while keeping its financial strength and its increasing dividend policy. This growth rate will be maintained in the following years.


• A model benefiting shareholders, employees and society at large: In 2019 Iberdrola supported 3,500 new recruits(5,000 anticipated in 2020), kept its CO2 emissions two-thirds below those of its European peers, purchased €20 billion worth of goods and services from suppliers, and contributed €14 billion in taxes. 





Madrid. Iberdrola obtained a net profit of €3.4 billion in 2019, a record high which represents an increase of 13% compared to the previous year. This result was driven by record €8.16 billion investments delivered during the year (+32%).


Gross operating profit, or EBITDA, exceeded 10 billion for the first time (€10.1 billion), an increase of 8.1% on 2018. 


Group Chairman Ignacio Galán pointed out that "these results reflect the company's broad strategic vision and its capacity for deliverywhich have enabled us to be 20 yearsahead of the current energy transition."


Of the total investment amount, 44% went to networks and 41% to renewables, two areas which experienced growth of 19% and 85% to €3.59 billion and €3.34 billion respectively. As a result, the company installed 5.500 new megawatts (MW) in all markets during 2019, compared with the 1,000 MW annual average in previous years. In addition, the company is currently building 9,000 MW in Spain, Portugal, the UK, the US, Mexico, Brazil and other new markets such as Australia, scheduled to be commissioned in 2021 and2022. The company also has a project pipeline of over40,000 MW worldwide in different stages of development


The investments made in the networks business have increased the value of the group's regulated assets to 31 billion, 6% more than in 2018 – all in an environment of new regulatory frameworks that contribute greater stability. 


Shareholders, employees and society play centre stage


When presenting results, Ignacio Galán also stated how posting record profits was compatible with the group's social dividend: "Iberdrola demonstrates year after year that its sustainable business model creates value for shareholders, employees and society at large. In 2019, we hired 3,500 people, purchased €20 billion worth of goods and services from 22,000 suppliers and paid €14 billion in taxes."


The latter figure is the sum of the €2.9 billion of taxes reflected in the group's profit and loss account plus the 5.2 billion euros of taxes collected from its customers and employees, together with the impact of indirect taxes on its activities.


For twenty years now Iberdrola has been centred on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria while being absolutely committed to ethics, transparency and good corporate governance. This commitment was reinforced with the inclusion in its By-laws of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the Agenda for 2030.


The company managed to offer 37% revaluation of the share and dividends paid in the year to its more than 600,000 shareholders while growing its dividend by 47.6% over the past five years.


As regards its employees, Iberdrola continues to be a benchmark for stable, quality jobsHaving hired almost 3,500 people in 2019, it will continue to support employment, with some 5,000 new recruits in 2020. It is worth noting that 99% of the company's workforce has permanent contracts. Furthermore, the company has dedicated 55 hours of training a year to each employee and has continued to bet on young talent through its Early Career programme, having granted scholarships to some 900 postgraduate students over the past few years. It has also strengthened ongoing dialogue with trade union representatives, as shown by the 36 labour agreements reached along the year and its inclusion in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index for the third consecutive year


Iberdrola invested 270 million in R&D+i in 2019, thus placing itself among the top three of the sector worldwide and its international volunteer programme had 7,500 participantsOverall quality of service improved by 10% and its CO2 emissions remained two-thirds below those of its peers in Spain and Europe


Positive business performance boosts EBITDA 


Gross operating profit (EBITDA) reached €10.1 billion in 2019, representing an increase of 8.1% compared to 2018. This positive development is particularly significant in view of the fact that the company recorded the lowest hydroelectric production in the past few years


By businesses, the networks area posted €5.26 billionEBITDA, 7.1% up on previous year, driven by good performances in Brazil and the UK, thanks to the contribution of new investments in transmission and distribution assets. 


The generation and retail area showed a 21.1% EBITDA increase to €2.46 billion in the 12 months. This good performance was underpinned by the 2.6-GW in new generation capacity installed in Mexico, increased production growth in Spain and the good performance of global energy retail and digital services activities. 


At €2.38 billion, Renewables EBITDA was 2.4% down, withincreased wind production partly offsetting low hydroelectric output, particularly in Spain


Financial strength and growing dividend


Iberdrola continued to enhance its financial strengththroughout this past year thanks to cash flow generation, which grew by 10% to €8.06 billion, and the completion of its€3.5 billion asset rotation plan three years ahead of schedule. The latter was further improved in 2020 with the sale of its stake in Siemens Gamesa for €1.1 billion.


Thusin a context of record investments, Iberdrola complied with its commitment to hold its financial solvency ratios steady: the ratio of funds from operations (FFO) and net debt improved by 0.7 bps to 22.2% and net debt to EBITDA came in at 3.6x compared with 3.7x the previous year


Iberdrola also continued to be the global leader in private sector green financing, with €11billion outstanding


The good performance for the year has also allowed Iberdrola's Board of Directors to propose to its Annual General Meeting, called for 2 April, the approval of a complementary dividend of 0.232 gross per share, payable in July. When added to the interim dividend paid on 5 February, total shareholder return (TSR) for 2019 stands at0.40 gross per share, up 14% from previous year. This means the dividend floor initially set for 2022 has been reached three years in advance. 


Investment growth and future prospects


The investment plan, the continuous increase in efficiency and the favourable operational prospects allow for a positive 2020 guidance, in terms of both results and shareholder return.


Specifically, Iberdrola contemplates investing more than 10 billion during the year, 40% more than the average for the past three years. This will translate into 4,000 new MW of installed capacity, and an increase of around 4% in the regulated assets base. 


The networks business will also be reinforced by new tariff agreements, the renewables business by greater operating capacity and the generation and retail business by increased production. 


The combination of these positive factors, together with the demanding climate policies being implemented in its key markets allow Iberdrola to expect growth in net profit for 2020 at high single-digit levels while keeping its financial strength and its increasing dividend policy. This growth rate will be maintained in the following years.



Iberdrola is a global energy leader, the number-one producer of wind power, and one of the world's biggest electricity utilities by market capitalisation. The group supplies energy to almost 100 million people in dozens of countries including Spain, the United Kingdom (ScottishPower), the United States (AVANGRID), Brazil (Neoenergia), Mexico, Germany, Portugal, Italy and France. With a workforce of more than 35,000 and assets in excess of €122 billion, it achieved a turnover of €36.4 billion and a net profit of over €3,4 billion in 2019. 


Iberdrola is leading the transition towards a sustainable energy model through its investments in renewable energy, smart grids, large-scale energy storage and digital transformation, to offer the most advanced products and services to its customers. Thanks to its commitment to clean energy, Iberdrola is one of the companies with the lowest emissions and an international benchmark for its contribution to sustainability and the fight against climate change. 







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This communication includes certain Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) as defined in the Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on 5 October 2015 (ESMA/2015/1415en). APMs are measures of financial performance developed from the financial information of Iberdrola, S.A. and its group companies but not defined or detailed in the applicable financial reporting framework. These APMs help ensure a better understanding of Iberdrola S.A.'s financial performance, but should only be seen as additional information. They do not replace the financial information prepared in accordance with IFRS. The way in which Iberdrola S.A. defines and calculates these APMs may also differ from that of other entities using similar measures and therefore not be comparable with them. Finally, it should be borne in mind that some of the APMs used in this communication have not been audited.




This communication contains forward-looking information and statements about IBERDROLA S.A. and AVANGRID Inc, including financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, capital expenditures, synergies, products and services, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and forecasts are generally identified by the words "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates" and similar expressions. 


Although IBERDROLA, S.A. believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors and holders of IBERDROLA S.A. and AVANGRID Inc. shares are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of IBERDROLA S.A. and AVANGRID Inc., that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include those discussed or identified in the public documents sent by IBERDROLA S.A. to the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores and by AVANGRID Inc. to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available to the public.


Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. They have not been reviewed by the auditors of IBERDROLA S.A. and AVANGRID Inc. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, which refer only to the date on which they were made. All forward-looking statements hereby made or otherwise attributable to IBERDROLA S.A, AVANGRID Inc. or any of its members, directors, officers, employees or any representatives are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statement above. All forward-looking statements included herein are based on information available on the date thereof. Except as required by applicable law, IBERDROLA S.A. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
