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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Press release: ITF delivers satisfactory progress report to Maersk AGM/ITF leverer tilfredsstillende statusrapport til Maersks generalforsamling

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Sam Dawson

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Sam Dawson



28 March 2017

ITF delivers satisfactory progress report to Maersk AGM

A four-strong team of representatives from ITF (International Transport Workers' Federation) unions today committed to continued dialogue with AP Møller-Mærsk at the company's AGM in Copenhagen.


The union members were at the event to deliver a progress report on the continuing dialogue between the company and unions established by the ITF's Maersk Network, which was set up to best represent the thousands of transport workers employed across the company (see


The team of four attending the AGM was made up of: Karsten Kristensen from the 3F union in Denmark, and chair of the Maersk Network Steering Group; Donald Josberger from the International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots in the USA; Joost Van Der Lecq of the FNV union of The Netherlands; and Steve Yandell, ITF senior section assistant, seafarers, fisheries and inland navigation.


The delegation informed the AGM of research that has been carried out amongst ITF affiliates worldwide on AP Moller Maersk corporate social responsibility policies. The research covered transport workers employed on ships, tugs and in ports.


The research found that in many Maersk workplaces positive dialogue and industrial relations exist. However there are still serious challenges in certain areas, in particular with regards to union recognition, and work is therefore needed to share best practice around all the regions of the world. The ITF wants to ensure that, as a major multinational company, Maersk continues to employ workers from all regions of the world, including northern Europe.


Speaking from London, ITF maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith commented: "We are pleased that our delegation – with the help of our 3F colleagues, who kindly made their shares available – has been able to personally deliver to Maersk shareholders the message today that we aim to strengthen our constructive dialogue with the company and are looking to ensure that its corporate social responsibility policies are working."


ITF seafarers' section chair David Heindel concluded: "We look forward to continuing to engage with Maersk to achieve an environment throughout its operations that is good for workers and good for its business. A growing world economy with demand for trade worldwide is important for the health of the company's shipping and ports business, and a profitable company is good for its workers."





Photo of (l to r) Joost Van Der Lecq, Donald Josberger, Steve Yandell and Karsten Kristensen at the AGM venue



28. marts 2017

ITF leverer tilfredsstillende statusrapport til Maersks generalforsamling

En stærkt team på fire repræsentanter fra fagforeningen ITF (Det Internationale Transportarbejderforbund) lovede i dag videre dialog med AP Møller-Mærsk på selskabets generalforsamling i København.


Fagforeningen deltog i arrangementet for at levere en statusrapport om den løbende dialog mellem virksomheden og fagforeningen, der er fastlagt ved ITF's Maersk Network, som blev dannet for på bedste vis at repræsentere de tusindvis af transportarbejdere, der er ansat i hele virksomheden (se


De fire medlemmer i teamet, der deltog i generalforsamlingen, var: Karsten Kristensen fra fagforeningen 3F i Danmark og formand for styregruppen for Maersk Network, Donald Josberger fra International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (den internationale organisation for kaptajner, styrmænd og lodser) i USA, Joost Van Der Lecq fra fagforeningen FNV i Holland og Steve Yandell, der er seniorafdelingsassistent i ITF for søfarende, fiskeri og sejlads på indre vandveje.


Delegationen informerede generalforsamlingen om undersøgelser, der er gennemført blandt ITF's tilknyttede selskaber i forbindelse med AP Møller-Mærsks CSR-politikker. Undersøgelserne omfatter transportarbejdere, der er ansat på skibe, bugserfartøjer og i havne.


Undersøgelserne viser, at der findes positiv dialog og industrielle forhold på mange Maersk-arbejdspladser. Der er dog stadig store udfordringer på visse områder, især når det gælder anerkendelse af fagforeninger, og det er derfor nødvendigt at arbejde på at dele bedste praksis rundt i hele verden. ITF ønsker at sikre, at som en stor multinational virksomhed fortsætter Maersk med at ansætte arbejdere fra alle egne af verden, herunder det nordlige Europa.


ITF's maritime koordinator Jacqueline Smith udtaler fra London: "Vi er glade for, at vores delegation – takket være hjælp fra vores 3F-kolleger, som venligst gav os deres pladser – personligt har kunnet levere budskabet til Maersk-aktionærer i dag om, at vi vil styrke vores konstruktive dialog med virksomheden, og at vi forsøger at sikre, at selskabets CSR-politikker fungerer."


David Heindel fra ITF's afdeling for søfarende konkluderer: "Vi ser frem til fortsat samarbejde med Maersk for at opnå et miljø, der i hele virksomhedens drift er godt for arbejdstagerne og godt for virksomheden. En voksende verdensøkonomi med en efterspørgsel på handel over hele verden er vigtig for virksomhedens shipping- og havnedrift, og en rentabel virksomhed er godt for arbejdstagerne."





Foto af (fra venstre mod højre) Joost Van Der Lecq, Donald Josberger, Steve Yandell og Karsten Kristensen



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