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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Press release: JICT workers ramp up campaign calling on Hutchison-owned Watsons to stand up for workers’ rights

Please find this release attached and below, in English and Indonesian, with illustrations in English. Similar leaflet illustrations in Bahasa are available on request.


Sam Dawson




20 September 2017

JICT workers ramp up campaign calling on Hutchison-owned Watsons to stand up for workers' rights

As a result of Hutchison's refusal to negotiate in good faith, ITF affiliate, Serikat Pekerja Jakarta International Container Terminal (SPJICT), has been forced to ramp up its campaign. Today, in Jakarta, union members and their supporters took the campaign from the waterfront to Hutchison-owned health and beauty retailer Watsons.

Paddy Crumlin, President of the International Transport Workers' Federation, and Chair of ITF's Dockers Section issued a call to Hutchison: "In response to Hutchison's ruthless attack on workers' rights at the Port of Jakarta, Indonesian dock workers are hitting the streets to remind the public, and their management, that they deserve respect and dignity.

"These workers have built up Hutchison's Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) to be one of the strongest performing terminals in Asia, continually lifting productivity to deliver sustained growth for the company, and the Indonesian economy.

"Yet, JICT management continue to crack down on union members. Workers' wages have been cut by between 15-42% in the last three months, and union members have been specifically targeted – and their jobs threatened – for raising concerns."

Workers are visiting Hutchison-owned Watsons' stores today to deliver a message that Watsons' commitment to create a "healthy and supportive environment for all employees" and provide "a working environment that is free from all forms of discrimination" should extend to all workers in the Hutchison network.

"Watsons strives to work smarter and create more value for its customers and shareholders – just like the workers at JICT. For the Indonesian public to have any faith in Watsons' commitments, Watsons should act to help fix this situation and tell Hutchison to respect workers' rights," said Crumlin.



JICT has been run as a joint enterprise between Indonesian state-owned enterprise PELINDO II and Hutchison since 1999. JICT was just granted an extension on its operating contract until 2039. However, in June, Indonesia's Audit Board (BPK) announced that the JICT extension was potentially contrary to local laws and is could be depriving the Indonesian state of hundreds of millions in revenue. 

The Indonesian anti-corruption commission, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) is currently considering initiating a full scale investigation into the extension. According to the union, management is using the port extension as a smoke-screen to extract more profit from the enterprise by crushing workers' rights.

For more details, please contact

Luke Menzies | ITF Asia Pacific Campaign Centre, Sydney, Australia

Tel: +61 433 889 844 | Email:




20 September 2017

Pekerja JICT Meningkatkan Kampanye Kepada Jaringan Bisnis Hutchison 'Watsons' Terkait Pembelaan Hak

Sebagai konsekuensi karena Hutchison menolak niat baik bernegosiasi, afiliasi ITF, Pekerja Jakarta International Container Terminal (SPJICT), berupaya untuk menaikan level kampanye. Hari ini, di Jakarta, para pekerja melakukan kampanye dari pelabuhan sampai ke retil kesehatan dan kecantikan dari Hutchison, Watsons.

Presiden International Transport Workers' Federation Paddy Crumlin and Ketua Seksi Pekerja Pelabuhan ITF menghimbau Hutchison: "Terkait respon terhadap serangan Hutchison terhadap pekerja di pelabuhan Jakarta, para pekerja pelabuhan Indonesia ini turun ke jalan untuk menyadarkan publik bahwa para pekerja JICT layak dihargai.

"Para pekerja telah membangun terminal Hutchison, Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT) menjadi salah satu terminal berkinerja prima di Asia. Mereka secara berkelanjutan meningkatkan produktivitas untuk menjaga pertumbuhan perusahaan dan ekonomi Indonesia.

"Namun, manajemen JICT malah berupaya menghancurkan para pekerja tersebut. Hak mereka dipotong 15-42% dalam 3 bulan terakhir dan mereka terancam PHK karena menyuarakan perpanjangan kontrak jilid II Hutchison di JICT yang melanggar aturan dan merugikan keuangan negara."

Para pekerja mengunjungi gerai Watsons Hutchison di Jakarta untuk mengirimkan pesan terkait komitmen retil tersebut yakni "lingkungan yang sehat dan mendukung bagi pekerja" dan menyediakan "suasana kerja yang bebas dari segala bentuk diskriminasi". Pesan ini juga ditujukan kepada seluruh pekerja di jaringan bisnis Hutchison.

"Watsons berusaha bekerja dengan cerdas dan menciptakan nilai bagi pelanggan dan pemegang saham - seperti halnya pekerja di JICT. Bagi publik Indonesia yang memiliki keyakinan terhadap komitmen Watsons sudah semestinya retil tersebut membantu memperbaiki situasi JICT dan menyatakan kepada Hutchison untuk lebih menghargai pekerja," ujar Crumlin.

Latar Belakang

JICT merupakan perusahaan patungan antara PELINDO II and Hutchison yang beroperasi sejak tahun 1999. Perpanjangan JICT jilid II sampai 2039 telah diupayakan. Akan tetapi, di bulan Juni, berdasarkan hasil audit investigatif Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menyatakan perpanjangan kontrak JICT kepada Hutchisom melanggar aturan dan merugikan keuangan negara.

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) saat ini sedang melakukan investigasi secara mendalam terhadap perpanjangan kontrak tersebut. Saat ini manajemen JICT menggunakan isu perpanjangan kontrak untuk memotong hak-hak karyawan dalam bentuk mengaburkan keuntungan perusahaan.


Informasi lebih lanjut:

Luke Menzies | ITF Asia Pacific Campaign Centre, Sydney, Australia

Tel: +61 433 889 844 (Watsapp) | Email:



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