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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

con preghiera di divulgazione: ASPETTANDO YOGAFESTIVAL ROMA 2012


Domenica 3 giugno 
Fori Imperiali - Arco di Costantino
dalle 10.00 alle 12.00


Fermati con noi a meditare!
La prima meditazione collettiva intorno al Colosseo 
per essere il Cambiamento che vogliamo vedere nel mondo
Facciamo qualcosa per "cambiare": ascoltiamoci e troviamoci a meditare insieme 

Per sottolineare come sia importante fermarsi e riflettere, in questi tempi convulsi e pieni di cambiamenti. 

La meditazione è un bene per tutti e fa bene a tutti: una piccola "sfida" a cui partecipare in tanti, tantissimi.

Ti aspettiamo dalle 10.00 alle 12.00, non occorre nulla, solo la tua attenzione!

Una proposta di YogaFestival e Paolo Masini, consigliere Roma Capitale. 

Meditazione condotta da Antonio Nuzzo 
con la partecipazione di Roberto Laneri con il canto degli armonici.

Introduzione musicale a cura del Quartetto d'archi della Music Academy Roma

Partecipazione gratuita, non occorre prenotare
Aperto a tutti
Se ti porti un tappetino, è meglio!

In anteprima a tutti i partecipanti il nuovo magazine YOGAFESTIVALNEWS con il programma di Roma YogaFestival 2012

Una iniziativa di YogaFestival | Roma 
con il patrocinio di Roma Capitale Provincia di Roma e Sovraintendenza Comunale

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CALL FOR PAPERS KM TRACKS (Milan, October 11-12th 2012)

COMUNICATO                  Call for papers KM TRACKS 2012


Official language:

- FREE: target audience (knowledge management, human resources and information systems)
- PLUS: 200 euro + 21% VAT (obligatory for potential sponsor; with proceedings)
- CHUCHOTAGE (with simultaneous personal translation italian-english and proceedings): 1.500 euro + 21%VAT for 1 or 2 person

July, 6, 2012: Submission deadline for papers
July, 20, 2012: Notification of acceptance for papers
July, 26, 2012: Possible registration as a speaker for the author of the validated paper to present it within the Km Tracks Session
September, 6, 2012: Submission deadline for camera-ready papers

July, 27, 2012:
except availability

October, 5, 2012: FREE entrance
September, 30, 2012: request of CHUCHOTAGE service

Via A. Folperti 44/d
27100 Pavia PV (Italy)
T. 0382 572287
E. jekpot AT

17th Knowledge Management Forum

Milano, Italy, 11-12th October 2012
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Via Nirone 15

Managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge

Submission deadline for papers

Cultural and scientific free conference on managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge, with points of material distribution and contact management

Managing, communicating and protecting organizational knowledge is the way to increase the organization competitiveness and the people professionality by an approach of innovation from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view. The goal of the event is to collect the best original practice on knowledge management by presenting case study, papers, experiences and by talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, solutions.

Director and responsible of Human resources, Information systems, Technologies, Marketing & Communication, Security manager of mid and large organizations; chief knowledge officer, knowledge manager, knowledge workers; university manager and professor

TOPICS (in progress)
KM Tracks
- Explicit: search engine, document management, content management, erp;
- Tacit: elearning, hr applications, real time applications (chat, audiovideo communication systems), web 2.0 (blog, forum, wiki, strumenti di collaboration, social network), unified communication
- Creable: business intelligence, customer relationship management;
- Cross: cloud computing - outsourcing, mobile, security, workflow management
All topics HERE

The call for papers has the goal to collect the best original researches with a scientific approach on knowledge management, from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view through papers talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, focus on, solutions, best practice, experiences able to increase the competitiveness od organizations and the expertise of his knowledge worker. This means presenting not commercial papers referring on technological and managerial directories of the knowledge management (km tracks).
The call for paper participation is free. Accepted paper will be free inserted in the proceedings and could be presented in Km Tracks Session by payment.
Best papers will be published on KappaeMme Digital Magazine.
To participate in this call for papers CLICK HERE indicating your personal data and the subject of your request (CFP KM17); then send the web form and you will get the documents to participate in cfp.

KappaeMme Magazine and Newsletter covers over 35.000 manager interested in managing and communicationg organizational knowledge and related technologies supporting. KappaeMme Web covers over 500 daily unique visitors in working week. Telemarketing on target audience by our databases. Network partnership with community and relationship network. Media partnership.

We are inviting speakers of independent organization, institution, consulting, user-organization and vendor.


11th October   Managing and communicating organizational knowledge
9.00 - 9.30   Registrations
9.30 - 9.45   Welcome by Albino Claudio Bosio, preside UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA, Psychology Faculty
9.45 - 10.00   Presentation by Carlo Sorge, chairman JEKPOT
10.00 - 10.15   Vision & Scenario by director / c-level of Independent organization with competence on knowledge management
10.15 - 11.15   Panel - Social network & Human capital management
With independent speaker (association, university), consultant, vendor, user
11.15 - 11.45   Coffee break & Demo area
11.45 - 12.45   Best practice, Paper, Case study
by Organization (Sponsor, User)
12.45 - 13.00   Questions & Answers
13.00 - 14.20   Lunch break
14.20 - 15.20   Best practice, Paper, Case study
by Organization (Sponsor, User)
15.20 - 16.30   Panel - Big data & Business analytics
With independent speaker (association, institution, university), consultant, vendor, user
16.20 - 16.30   Closing 1st day & Greetings
12th October   Protecting organizational knowledge
9.00 - 9.30   Registrations
9.30 - 9.45   Welcome by Albino Claudio Bosio, preside UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA, Psychology Faculty
9.45 - 10.00   Presentation by Carlo Sorge, chairman JEKPOT
10.00 - 10.15   Vision & Scenario
By director / c-level of Independent organization with competence on knowledge management
10.15 - 11.15   Panel - Security intelligence
With independent speaker (association, university), consultant, vendor, user
11.15 - 11.45   Coffee break & Demo area
11.45 - 12.45   Panel - Crimeware - Panel with independent speaker (association, institution, university), consultant, vendor, user
12.45 - 13.00   Questions & Answers
13.00 - 14.20   Lunch break
14.20 - 15.20   Panel - Cloud security - Panel with independent speaker (association, institution, university), consultant, vendor, user
15.20 - 16.20   Best practice, Paper, Case study / Meetings
by Organization (Sponsor, User)
16.20 - 16.30   Closing & Greetings

Carlo Sorge, JEKPOT, chairman
Pietro Berrettoni, FIDA INFORM, chairman
Marco Bettoni, FERNFACHHOCHSCHULE (CH), research director
Albino Claudio Bosio, UNIVERSITA' CATTOLICA, Psicologia, preside
Manfredi Buonomo, KM COMMUNITY, consultant
Silvana Castano, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO, ISL@B, professor
Claudio Cilli, ISACA ROMA, chairman
Luciano Galliani, UNIVERSITA' DI PADOVA, Scienze della Formazione, preside
Luigi Guerra, UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, Scienze della Formazione, preside
Domenico Laforenza, CNR-IIT, director
Marco Mancini, CRUI - Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane, presidente
Guido Podestà, PROVINCIA DI MILANO, presidente
Roberto Polillo, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, professor
Oreste Signore, W3C ITALIA, director
Alberto Silvani, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO, UniMitt director

COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Rappresentanza a Milano
CRUI - Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane

AICA - Associazione italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico
ANIPA - Associazione Nazionale Informatici Pubblica Amministrazione
ASSI - Associazione Specialisti Sistemi Informativi
CLUB TI MILANO - Club per le Tecnologie per l'Informazione
IAOP - International Association of Outsourcing Professionals
ISF - Informatici senza frontiere

- 15' Paper presentation
- Paper published on proceedings
- Paper published on KappaeMme
- Speaker name on communication
- Speaker bio and jpg on proceedings
- One copy of proceedings
- KappaeMme with paper on pdf
- Free service for hotel reservation at agreed price




Organized by

JEKPOT - The Knowledge Management Company


For more informations:
the Knowledge Management Company
Via A. Folperti 44/d, 27100 Pavia, PV, Italy

Ph.: +39 0382 572287 | Web: | E-Mail: jekpot [at]
JEKPOT operates like a VAP (Value Added Partner) in
Educational, Events, Media, Services sectors, to realize project on the management and communication of organizational knowledge (data, informations, documents, digital asset, intangible assets. We have collaborated with organizations, private and public, of large and middle business indicated on

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

International ArtExpo Hidden Cities Istanbul Turkey

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luca Curci <>
Date: 2012/5/29
Subject: [International ArtExpo] Hidden Cities | Istanbul - Turkey
To: International Art Expo <>


"Hidden Cities" at Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association, image courtesy of Ozge Celikaslan
Hidden Cities | Istanbul (Turkey)
The gossamer of precarious realities in contemporary metropolis
The fascinating city of Istanbul hosted Hidden Cities, an international video art festival and photography exhibition (May 10-12, 2012). Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association, the charming and alternative venue for the event, opened its doors to sixty-one artists. The project has been curated by Luca Curci and organized by International ArtExpo.
Thirty-eight video artist and twenty-three photo artists from twenty-two different countries exposed their artworks of "Hidden Cities" about the hybridization of physical and social identities in the contemporary cities. Unity Productions Foundation, the non-profit organization producing documentary films, was the guest of honor of this event with its documentary "Islamic Art: Mirror of the Invisible World".
"Istanbul is a city living its mystery and secrecy, a city hosting the secret of a thousand kinds.   Despite the population explosion, the impossibility of urban planning and the increasing deterioration of ecological balance, historical accumulation in the center of Istanbul in particular is still enough to find "hidden cities" in the inside. The Hidden Cities event reached the newspapers of Istanbul and can be seen on the internet. A lot of visitors attended the event such as researchers studying urban architecture, architecture and sociology, memory and the city, local artists from Istanbul as well as some artists exposing their work. There was a lot of interest both in the photo and the video art works. We had a look at different cities, and the hidden corners of Istanbul presented by foreign artists were very impressive". Ozge Celikaslan, director of the Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association.
International ArtExpo would like to acknowledge all the video artists and photo artists for their effort, vision, and passion for contemporary art.
Francesco Acerbis . Italy | Alaleh Alamir . France | Cristina Amiran & Khalil Charif . Brazil | Kim Arrow . USA | Alfonso Arzapalo . Canada | Yuko Asai . Japan | Karin Bandelin . Germany | Hans Michael Bittner . Austria | Carolin Clausnitzer . Germany | Erin Coates . Australia | Fiona Davies . Australia | Embodied Creative . UK | Gerald Forster . USA | Daniele Lorenzo Fumagalli . Italy | Isabella Gresser . Germany | Seth Gutierrez . USA | Paul Handley . New Zealand | Chris Haydon . UK | Wei-Ming Ho . Taiwan | Jan Ijäs . Finland |  Nicolas Iordanou & Sylvia Nicolaides . Cyprus | Monica James & Sruti Visweswaran . India | Liam James . Australia | Lisamarie Johnson . Ireland | Elena La Ganga . Italy | Gabriele Liuba . Italy | Marineta Mak Kritikou . Greece | Michelle Mantsio . Australia | Andreas Mares . Austria | Eleanna Martinou . Greece | Michael Poetschko . Austria | Chantal Romani . Switzerland | Maria da Schio . Italy | Lueder Schruff . Germany | Albin Schutting . Austria | André Seddon Markwald . Brazil | Gregory Steel . USA | Unity Productions Foundation . USA | Yiotis Vrantzas . Greece
.photo artists
EASTERN Design Office + Koichi Torimura . Japan | Fabian Freese . Germany | Wang Haiyuan . China | Jan Ijäs . Finland | Taiyo Jinno . Japan | Lisamarie Johnson . Ireland | Yael Kaplan . Israel | Oan Kyu . Italy | Eva Maria Lopez . Germany | Kate MacDonald . Canada | Andreas Mares . Austria | Esther Naor . Israel | Diana Nikolova . Bulgaria | Ge Orthof . Brazil | Tanya Preminger . Israel | Loredana Raciti . Italy | André Reinders . Germany | Paula Roush . UK | Maria da Schio . Italy | Nora Schoepfer . Austria | Preben Van der Straete . Belgium | Maciek Wojciechowski . UK | Sarah Younan . UK
International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects.
Click here to see more details about Hidden Cities | Istanbul (Turkey).
International ArtExpo
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)


con preghiera di divulgazione: Special Milonga Night all'Asino che vola - special guest Sineterra

link di riferimento:

ElettrotangoBar presenta: 
Speciale Milonga Night all'Asino che vola
special guest "Sineterra" in concerto
Milonga Dj Set con El Giocher
Roma, 6 Giugno 2012, via Antonio Coppi 12d

Eccezionalmente di mercoledì, ElettrotangoBar presenta un'esclusiva serata dedicata al tango e alla musica dal vivo

p r o g r a m m a

Cena "Menù Sinterra" solo su prenotazione 067851563

Ore 21.30 Concerto dei Sineterra
presentazione del nuovo album FADISIA
(edito da Agualoca Records, dal 23 maggio nei negozi)

Ore 22.30 Milonga 
DjSet El Giocher - Tango, NeoTango, NoTango

no tessera
euro 15: Cena+Live+Milonga 
euro 8: Live+Milonga+Drink
euro 5: Milonga+Drink

* * *

Echi di tango, un crescendo di ritmi che richiamano il suono di Canterbury attraversato da sussulti post-rock, la voce usata come un quinto strumento, l'intensità emozionale del fado lusitano: sono questi gli ingredienti dello stile dei Sineterra. 

Via Antonio Coppi, 12d - Roma - 067851563
(fermata metropolitana: Furio Camillo, zona Piazza Zama)

per info patrizia messina 3355913434
pagina e gruppo facebook: elettrotango@bar

Community Management
mob. 345 1602994
skype: mypresslab

<le foto sono un puro ricordo della serata...
chi non volesse può dirlo subito senza problemi>

* * *

I Sineterra si sono incontrati a Napoli, luogo in cui le radici 'senza terra' di Mario Musetta (chitarra e voce), Luisanna Serra (voce), e Charles Ferris (tromba) si sono intrecciate nella convinzione che la musica sia esplorazione sonora e contaminazione dei generi.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

con preghiera di divulgazione: Nuovi provini a Roma per Star Music Festival



INTROSPETTIVA in collaborazione con il Parco Divertimenti Rainbow Magicland e TV2000 presenta:

Star Music Festival 2° edizione

Selezioni a Roma il 4 e il 5 Giugno 2012


Primo premio: 4 borse di studio del valore di € 2.500,00 ciascuna con uno dei vocal coach presenti in Giuria


L'unico Festival in Italia che ti fa incontrare i professionisti del mondo dello spettacolo e della televisione fin dal primo turno di selezione


Continuano i provini in tutta Italia per la seconda edizione dello Star Music Festival. Dopo gli appuntamenti della Toscana, Lazio, Puglia, Calabria e Sicilia il viaggio continua con altre 4 date: Roma, Terni, Parma e Napoli. (

Una giuria d'eccezione (Maria Grazia Fontana, Fabrizio Palma, Iskra Menarini, Filippo Destrieri, Fioretta Mari, Rita Speranza, Mario Brancaccio) e incredibili premi (quattro borse di studio del valore di € 2.500,00 per ogni vincitore di categoria - registrazione della compilation a livello nazionale per i 14 finalisti). 


Lunedì 4 e Martedì 5 giugno dalle ore 16.00 alle ore 20.30 lo Star Music Festival farà il bis nella capitale. Lo Staff sarà ospitato nello studio fotografico Imag&vents in Via Flavio Stilicone, 140 (Metro Lucio Sestio) a caccia di nuovi talenti per la seconda edizione del festival canoro.


Nella selezione i ragazzi saranno provinati da Maria Grazia Fontana (Presidente di Giuria) e Rita Speranza (Direttore Artistico). Ogni Artista che voglia partecipare deve mandare la sua adesione con nome, cognome, indirizzo e cellulare alla mail esprimendo la preferenza tra la giornata di lunedì o martedì. Il giorno dell'audizione l'Artista dovrà portare la base del brano su cd audio e prima del provino compilare la scheda di partecipazione convalidando la pre-iscrizione al concorso con la quota di € 25,00.


Al termine del provino gli artisti riceveranno un commento tecnico da parte dei giurati e l'esito della performance.


Vi aspettiamo numerosi!



Info e Prenotazioni:

Tel:  366.5090284 




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Thursday, May 17, 2012

con preghiera di divulgazione: Hari the Drop in concerto al Felt Music Club di Roma per presentare il disco d'esordio


Hari the Drop in concerto al Felt Music Club di Roma per presentare il disco d'esordio

"Slapstick Comedy" - il primo Album di "Hari the Drop"
Roma, 24 Maggio, Presentazione ufficiale al Felt Music Club
in collaborazione con Contexporart
Inizio concerto ore 21.00
via degli ausoni 84, Roma (San Lorenzo)

Gli Hari the Drop presenteranno al pubblico il loro primo disco "Slapstick Comedy" insieme ad un gruppo rock "No Heroes to die for", Inoltre Contexporart organizzerà un'esposizione fotografica con oltre 10 espositori. 

Apriranno il concerto "NO HEROES TO DIE FOR" che nel novembre 2011 hanno ultimato la realizzazione di un Promo contenente quattro tracce dal titolo "All4One", composto, suonato, registrato, missato e prodotto interamente dal gruppo stess

Contexporart (fan page su fb)
Hari the Drop (fan page su fb)

Felt Music Club
Via degli Ausoni, 84 00185 Roma
06 491978
Ingresso: 5 euro

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mob. 3451602994
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012


As new states and regions rapidly emerge to challenge the existing global order, Europe must forge a new role as a safeguard of best practices, a leader in know-how, and emphasize local governance with Eurasa, panelists said during a round table on the role of the EU amid a rapidly shifting world order during the second annual State of the Union organized by the European University Institute.

Within the next decade, the EU will become China's largest trading partner, eclipsing the US. A new field for bilateral cooperation is in expertise, as China makes the transition from an industrial to a knowledge-based economy, said Chin Xin, a professor at the Institute of European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Russia, the EU's third largest trading partner, is in the midst of putting in place Eurasian unions. The Common Economic Space comprising Belarus and Kazakhstan was established in January. Infrastructure is the basis for creating a new identity for Russia and the common link to create these unions, said Oleg Kharkhordin, Rector of the European Institute at St. Petersburg.

He said the European Union is the model Russia will use for another, the Eurasian Union. But cooperation between Russia and the EU is most promising at the municipal and sub-regional level, and among universities, not at the region-to-region level, and including on such areas as participatory budgeting of cities, since Russia and Europe share a common tradition of self-governing communities, Kharkhordin also said.

"Poverty and ignorance are the biggest obstacles to democracy and their eradication should be a priority," said Pedro Pires, the former President of Cape Verde. Pires called for a new global governance, a redistribution of power and responsibility, and of a redistribution of military, scientific and technological advances from developed to developing countries as essential for the further advancement of democracy in the world.

"Europe is unlikely to fare well in this tough global environment unless it gains its sense of unity and purpose," said Jan Zielonka, professor of European politics at Oxford University. "But being a model power is not a bad option.

"Today a fire bridgade, but tomorrow the architects to design a post-crisis Europe. We must start thinking about this today, " he went on to say.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Skype' s new connected classroom sweepstakes brings celebrities virtually to students

Sweepstakes offers classrooms throughout the globe opportunity to have a Skype Video Call with Steve Harvey, James Patterson, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Jackie Collins and Tinsel Korey.

PALO ALTO, California, May 11, 2012 - Yesterday, Skype has launched the Connected Classroom Sweepstakes, offering schools throughout the world the chance to win a once in a lifetime Skype video call with well-known celebrities Steve Harvey, James Patterson, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Jackie Collins and Tinsel Korey*. This sweepstakes, which lives on the Skype in the classroom Facebook page, encourages more teachers to experience the value of video calling within the classroom by giving their students an exciting opportunity to meet a celebrity face-to-face via Skype on Wednesday, June 6.
"Through Skype video calling, we are able to bring the experience of speaking to well-known actors, comedians and authors who want to give back by sharing their story with students," said Andy Schmidt, head of social good of the Skype Division at Microsoft. "At Skype we believe that shared learning experiences greatly enhance education. This sweepstakes aims to help more teachers understand the value of video calling within the classroom and it further demonstrates Skype's belief that amazing learning experiences should be available to everyone."
To be eligible to enter, K-12 students (three to 18 years of age), teachers or educators must be new or existing members of Skype in the classroom, a free online community that helps over 28,000 registered teachers use Skype to enrich experiences for students. 
Here's how teachers can enter on Facebook:
'Like' Skype in the classroom's Facebook page Sign up for Skype in the classroom (if you are not already a registered member) Describe in 150 words or less the ways they currently use or would use Skype in their classroom Teachers may submit entries starting today on the Skype in the classroom Facebook page until Thursday, May 24 at 11:59 P.M. EDT, when five winners will be selected at random. Winners will be chosen and notified on Tuesday, May 29 at 2:00 P.M. EDT via email and will be announced publicly on Wednesday, May 30 at 9:00 A.M. EDT. The winning celebrity calls will take place on Wednesday, June 6 between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. EDT or at the discretion of the celebrity.
With more than 28,000 registered teachers and counting, in over 190 countries, Skype in the classroom has enabled hundreds of thousands of students around the world to take part in valuable shared learning experiences. Skype offers an immediate way to help students discover new cultures, languages and ideas, all without leaving the classroom.
For more information on the Connected Classrooms Sweepstakes, please visit or the Skype in the classroom Facebook page.
*The celebrities were provided by 86400 movement and OpenEduTalk.
About Skype:
Skype is communications software whose purpose is to break down barriers to communication. With an Internet-connected device, families, friends and colleagues can get together for free with messaging, voice and video. At low cost, they can also call landlines or mobiles virtually anywhere in the world. Skype has recently introduced group video, allowing groups of more than two people to do things together whenever they're apart. Founded in 2003 and based in Luxembourg, Skype is a division of Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT). Skype can be downloaded onto computers, mobile phones and other connected devices for free at
About 86400 Movement:
The 86400 movement created and oversees a free speakers bureau that supports teachers and students in school districts throughout the world by providing free top-notch lectures by a renowned and diverse group of scholars, celebrities and content specialist on a variety of topics. The bureau has partnered with Skype to utilize Skype's technology to improve the use of technology as a teaching tool as well as to connect speakers with schools via Skype. The 86400 Movement mission is to bring people together to use their gift of 86400 seconds to make a positive difference in the world. The movement strives to awaken the social consciousness of individuals thereby encouraging volunteerism and social action in the areas of education and health & wellness.
About OpenEduTalk: offers a platform for authors, actors, athletes, speakers, business leaders and entrepreneurs to talk to students directly in their classrooms, worldwide about relevant issues in real time, live via Skype. Topics range from bullying to leadership. Our philosophy, "Talk to A Child, Change A Life." The company was launched in 2011 and created by author and entrepreneur, Jeff Rivera and Jane Ubell-Meyer, author, speaker and entrepreneur.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Google and Facebook will both be front and centre in 'Social Search'

LONDON, May 10, 2012 - Findings from a survey undertaken by leading independent digital marketing agency, Greenlight, indicate that Google+ might be more successful than most have initially speculated and that Facebook could potentially capture close to a quarter of the search market globally were it to launch a search engine of its own tomorrow. This market share would make Facebook the second most utilised search engine in every major market except for China, Japan, and Russia, where it would occupy an uncontested third place.

Greenlight's global "Search & Social Survey (2011-2012)" asked 500 people - students, law enforcement professionals, medical staff, accountants, lawyers, the unemployed, and everyone in between, how they engage with online advertising, search engines, and social networks, in order to glean insight into how consumers engage with marketers today, and formulate views on what the future might hold.

Facebook could capture around 22% of the global search market

Greenlight's research revealed 5% would 'definitely' use a future Facebook search engine if the firm were to launch one to rival Google's. The other extreme, those categorically saying that they simply would not use a future Facebook search engine, totalled 26% of all respondents. Those responding in the 'Definitely' and 'Probably' camps totalled 17%. Those responding 'No' and 'Probably not', totalled 48%.

"These stats therefore suggest Facebook could capture around 22% of the global search market by simply launching its own search engine tomorrow morning (the 'Definitely', 'Probably', and half of the 'Don't know' respondents combined), says Andreas Pouros, chief operating officer at Greenlight.  "It wouldn't need to be a spectacular engine either, just well integrated into the Facebook experience and generally competent.

What's more, the results also suggest Facebook could increase that projected market share to a maximum of 50% within a few years by converting the least overtly loyal Google users over to them. However, that increase would need to come from the 27% of respondents who replied 'Maybe, but only if it was better than Google and Bing' ".

(Facebook already integrates Bing into its search function, but it is a buried option in the navigational side-bar post query, so this really does not constitute its own search engine by any real definition).

23% of Google users have been +1'ing listings in Google's search result

On the flip side, Greenlight found that Google's own social endeavours with Google+ might be more successful than most have initially speculated. For instance, 23% of Google users have been +1'ing listings in Google's search results, giving Google lots of data about what people like.

When compared to the 35% of users that Greenlight's survey found routinely 'like' a brand or company on Facebook, then it is not that significantly more than Google's social signal collection, particularly as 28% of respondents said they had no idea what '+1' actually meant, which says Greenlight, will invariably decrease rapidly over time.

Greenlight's research essentially shows that Facebook will both be front and centre in 'social search' and so it won't be enough for websites to simply be relevant, they also need to demonstrate qualities that attract social validation and promotion.

Pouros concludes:

"Brands and e-retailers need to be encouraging +1's in Google, as it isn't something that might be important in the future - it already is! It affects natural search rankings and will have an increasing impact over time across every Google product they utilise - AdWords, price comparison, Shopping, YouTube, etc., and Facebook could be a major search engine overnight. As such a brand's performance on Facebook today (likes, visits, etc.) will likely have a decisive impact on how well exposed it is on that new search engine."

About Greenlight:

Greenlight is a leading independent digital marketing agency, the largest of its kind in Europe and the fastest growing. With over 100 blue-chip clients including Santander, New Look, Sky and ghd, Greenlight is a leader in the digital marketing space, and is recognized worldwide for its commitment to delivering record ROI for its clients and investing in the future.

Greenlight is considered the premier thought leader in the sector, publishing widely read industry reports, original research, speaking at trade events, and delivering a highly respected digital marketing training programme via the Greenlight Academy. Founded in 2001, Greenlight is headquartered in London, with offices in New York.

The "Altran Excellence Centre for New Automotive Technologies" opens in Barcelona

PARIS, May 10, 2012 - Altran, global leader in innovation and high-tech engineering consulting, inaugurated today in its head office in Barcelona the "Altran Excellence Centre for new automotive technologies".  

This global excellence centre will concentrate the Group's projects related to innovation and electric vehicle development, offering to its clients a unique expertise about electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and CO2 emission reduction systems.

The "Altran Excellence Centre for new automotive technologies" will benefit from Altran's 30 years experience in the automotive sector.  Programmed to recruit the best talents in Electric Vehicles, Mechanics, Electronics, Engines and Innovation, the Centre will accompany its clients from the automotive sector, such as Renault, Nissan, PSA, BMW, Seat, Volkswagen and Porsche.

Within the five next years, the Centre will recruit 400 consultants, who will join the 2000 automotive specialists operating within 20 countries in the world.

"The automotive industry is undergoing radical transformation. Altran positioned as the Innovation Partner of the sector is more and more addressing the fundamental mobility issues linked to vehicles of the Future. That is why the opening of a new excellence centre will facilitate the cross fertilization of our competencies in automotive", outlines Cosimo de Carlo, Executive Director for Automotive, Infrastructure and Transportion.

Barcelona - electric Europe's lung

Altran has decided to install this Excellence Centre in Barcelona, due to the wide range of experiences that the Group has been able to gain in the automotive industry over the last few years, together with the different initiatives that Barcelona has carried out to promote the electric vehicle that has turned the city into a reference point in Spain and within Europe.

"As innovation makers, we investigate new technologies and in Altran Spain we are proud to have this centre in the city of Barcelona from where we will offer dedicated services to our customers worldwide. The new talents of the Centre together with our 2000 experts will contribute efficiently to the future of the automotive industry", commented Luis Abad, Vice-President of the Altran group for Southern Europe.

This new centre is part of the project called Ba-tech, which Altran is developing and includes the creation of four excellence centers in Barcelona: web development, electronic administration, new automotive technologies and change management.

Electricity taking on petrol

In the evening, Al has organized an event in the streets of Barcelona in order to show one of the key automotive projects, in collaboration with Quimera. Reina María Cristina Street, in the Catalonian capital, will be turned into a race track. Electricity will test and measure its strengths.

During the event, attendees will be able to join the live street show in which the main characters are the AEDC (All Electric Drift Car), which will compete against a McLaren MP4-12C, a petrol sports car.

The AEDC is a full electric car designed to race in drifting competitions and offers an instantaneous surge of electric power giving a 0-60mph of 3.2 seconds. Due to the chemistry make-up, the batteries are much safer, with no thermal runaway and a re-charge time of approx 1 hour, with 80% charge.

In addition, Altran has unveiled, for the first time, some of their current developments in cooperation with Quimera: the AEGT-Evo2 and the AEGF (All Electric Great Formula). These vehicles are designed to redefine the concept of Racing Cars and start racing in 2013.

For more information, please visit the press kit:

About Altran

As global leader in innovation and high-tech engineering consulting, Altran supports companies in the creation and development of their new products and services. For thirty years, the Group has been providing services to key players in the fields of Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Railways, Finance, Healthcare and Telecoms.

Present at every stage of project development from new-technology strategic planning through to manufacturing, Altran is able to capitalise on its expertise in four key domains: Product Lifecycle Management, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering & Embedded Systems and IT Systems.

With a global network of 17,000 collaborators (including 15,000 consultants), throughout more than 20 countries, and 500 major clients, the Group reported sales of €1,420m in 2011.

EU Renewables Strategy Needs Rethinking

Experts from the energy industry in power generation, energy-intensive industry, and policy agreed the current EU strategy to promote renewable energy development needs rethinking. The experts were on a roundtable to discuss the three pillars of EU energy policies on sustainability, security of supply, and energy efficiency during the State of the Union conference in Florence, organized by the European University Institute.

"If we want to unlock finance for clean energy, we need long, loud and legal signals. The European Trading System is not providing loud signals. Energy policy is not loud enough, and it's also not legal enough," said Ignacio Perez-Arriaga, Professor of the BP Chair on Sustainable Development at Comillas University.

Fernand Felzinger, President of IFIEC Europe representing the industrial view, said that current EU policy on renewable energy development does not include all the costs associated with it for backup power and grid investment, and because it is where subsidies are emphasized, crowds out investment for any other energy sources. "We need a clear assessment of the cost of the various options and that someone is assessing which ones are the more cost efficient."

Nani Becalli-Falco, former CEO of GE Europe, said that Europe needs an "organic" policy to promote the development of technologies that will stem the large losses in electricity transmission and production, and stimulates construction of smaller power generation units closer to consumption to also stanch these losses.



Leading experts on energy market deregulation said Thursday that continued promotion of cross-border gas interconnection capacity, as well as evolution of the single market, will help ensure secure gas supplies in the EU. The experts were speaking on a panel on security of energy supply, the third and nascent pillar of EU energy policy, taking place in Florence during the second-annual  State of the Union conference organized by the European University Institute.

Recent cases in the European Court of Justice are sewing ambiguity in how security of energy supply is understood and handled in the EU, said Leigh Hancher, Professor of European Law at the University of Tilburg. Citing recent case decided by the Court that gave wide discretion to member states to define the meaning of the term.

Despite the slow opening of the gas market versus that for electricity, some panelists see the gas market making a leap forward in the short term once the backlog in transposing the current third package of EU internal market regulations is cleared up. "Our biggest problem in electricity and gas is organizational and software. Most of the hardware is done."  "In two to three years, we will have a much smaller share of gas tied to oil, maybe a third. Much more short to medium-term commitments, and more signals set by market prices and less by long-term contracts," said Walter Boltz, Executive Director of E-Control.

While the EU market gas  seems well supplied through 2020, the scenario beyond the coming decade needs reflection, said former energy regulator Jacques de Jong.  He said the issues that must be treated long term range from the growing imbalance between the 3 to 1 ratio in EU refinery production of gasoline versus diesel as its major buyer, the US will not need the additional supplies in 10 years' time, the role of gas in the energy mix, gas to power conversions, and perhaps power to gas conversions as well.

To continue fostering  development of a single gas market and to increase import capacity, greater cross-border pipeline interconnection capacity between countries will be required, said Francisco de la Flor, President of gas infrastructure organization GLE.